Online Course

Are you struggling with your mental health?

Does wellness feel completely out of reach? Are you so totally overwhelmed with life at the moment that you wouldn’t even know where to begin to get back on track?


Life is complex, fast paced and quite honestly, exhausting a lot of the time. Trying to manage family, relationships, children, work, maintaining the home, keeping up with cost of living – sometimes the stress feels never-ending.

Now if we add in mental illness to that picture, healing from trauma, depression, or anxiety, sometimes just getting out of bed is enough to make you want to retreat back under the covers.

My name is Rebecca and I’m a Mental Health Nurse Practitioner with over 20 years of experience. I have a successful private practice in the heart of Gippsland, and I love working with people to help them manage a range of mental health issues.

Most commonly I treat conditions such as; depression, anxiety, bipolar, psychotic disorders and varying forms of trauma or complex PTSD. I offer a unique and holistic service that combines the traditional “medical model” of psychiatry including, diagnostics and prescribing, with the psychotherapy, care, time, and treatments required for a meaningful recovery.

Regardless of what people come to see me for, I consistently keep coming back to the same handful of skills and tools that I end up teaching my clients to supercharge their mental health journey.

I love working with people 1:1 but there’s an obvious problem - I’m only one person and I can only see so many people per day. I also know that working 1:1 with an experienced practitioner is not financially viable for everyone.

That’s where this course came about!

Mastering Mental Health will support you to proactively take the lead in improving how you live your life and managing your mental health all at the same time.

A woman in a purple dress is sitting on a cube.
  • 8 powerful modules, 90-minute sessions online each week
  • A comprehensive playbook
  • Bonus audio toolkit
  • You’re struggling to manage your mental health
  • You’re sick of being ruled by anxiety
  • You want to take the lead in building a better life
  • You struggle to communicate your needs
  • You’ve lost sight of what you want in life
  • You need help figuring out your values and goals
  • You’re exhausted and overwhelmed
  • You want help but can’t afford or access 1:1 treatment just yet
  • Want to have a breakthrough in your mental health
  • Are frustrated that you try to get help but don’t end up with the skills you need to independently manage your mental health
  • Are already working with me 1:1 on complex issues but still want to learn or consolidate the essential tools

What's Included?

Mastering Mental Health Is For You If...

A book titled mastering mental health 8 week course


Over 8 weeks you will attend live online sessions with me, learning a huge variety of skills and techniques to address all the core aspects of your mental health and wellbeing.

Week 1

We will go through an overview of the course. I’ll help you set intentions for the course and do an audit of where your life is at now. From here we will set goals together.

Week 2

This is where we cover the core mental health skills you need to have in your toolkit including breathing, mindfulness, grounding, and the ultimate crisis survival skill (that can stop a panic attack in an instant)!

Week 3

You will learn all about emotions. How to recognise and name them, how to manage the big ones and how to fact check yourself when your brain bully comes out to play.

Week 4

This week is all about values. Identifying what your values are and whether you are living in accordance with them. If not, we will identify how to change that.

Week 5

Now we will focus on optimising the things you do the care for yourself, improving your energy levels, habits, and getting the big things right like as sleep and nutrition.

Week 6

This week will explore the secrets to effective communication, how to have difficult conversations, how to get your needs met and set boundaries.

Week 7

Now it’s time to take you on a journey exploring the power of organisation and routines and looking at small but powerful ways you can improve the wellbeing of your entire family (and in turn, yourself).

Week 8

This final bonus week is an opportunity to check back in, look back at your initial intentions and goals and work out “where to from here?”

WHAT'S The Investment?

Select the plan that's right for you.

Get Started


  • $697 – One Time Payment

  • $597 Early Bird Pricing

Pay upfront and eliminate any future payment obligations.



  • $747 – 3 Payments of  $249

  • $648 – Early Bird Pricing
    (3 X Payments of $216)

Pay instalments without having to provide the full amount upfront



How do I get started?

To register or find out more, fill out the form below:

Contact Us

What if I have more Questions?

Below, you'll find answers to common questions about course content, and more, all curated to ensure you make the most of your learning experience. If your question isn't answered here, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for further assistance.

  • Who is this course for?

    Anyone who is wanting to supercharge their toolkit for improving their life and managing their mental health.

  • I have complex mental health issues, is this course suitable for me?

    This course is for anyone who wants to increase their skill set for managing mental health. Providing you’re not in a period of acute crisis or illness, this course will be a helpful adjunct to your treatment.

  • I can’t attend this course, will you be running it again?

    Yes, I intend to run this course multiple times per year.

  • Does it matter what location or time zone I’m in?

    No, you can join from any time zone. Times listed will be AEST.

  • Is this suitable for existing clients?


  • I’m already feeling overwhelmed with time, how much time commitment is required of me?

    Only 2 hours per week. If you can’t make the live session, you can watch the recording in your own time.

  • Is there homework?

    No. There will certainly be things you may want to explore further during the week or changes you may want to make but there will be no required homework.

  • I’m a practitioner, can I join?

    Absolutely. You are welcome to join and learn new skills for your own wellbeing and then share them with your own clients. If there’s enough interest though, I will be looking at running a similar course specifically designed for practitioners.

  • Am I eligible for a Medicare rebate?

    Unfortunately, not. Medicare does not rebate Nurse Practitioner care run in a group setting.

  • What if I miss a session?

    No problems, you can watch the replay any time.

  • I’m interested but I want to maintain my privacy.

    No problems, you can switch your camera off and remove your name if you feel more comfortable.

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